PC Whitehall & Sons


There is more to a project than a set of drawings and a construction program. Projects  commence the day a client has an idea and are only completed when that client is totally satisfied with the product and financial closure.

At PC Whitehall & Sons we appreciate that at every stage from ‘concept’ to ‘handover’ of a project there needs to be partnering. Initially clients commence partnering with architects, then financial institutions and along this journey at various stages new entities are invited to be part of the project.

We understand that projects have a personality and a dynamic by the time they reach construction. It is therefore important that at this ‘delivery stage’ the new personalities introduced need to complement the existing stakeholders.

To achieve this continuation of project personality and dynamic, a Director of PC Whitehall & Sons and a Project Manager will be involved through the whole project design and delivery phase and final project handover.

This approach ensures a continuation of information and synergy between the client, architects, consultants and PC Whitehall & Sons.